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To start, the coop is partnering with Farmivore to allow members and others to buy custom weekly CSA boxes directly from the farm, delivered to Caffrodite in Midtown.
The Ventura Food Coop has partnered with Farmivore in Camarillo to provide Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) boxes of fresh produce to community members. Consumers can purchase as much or little as they wish of a wide variety of fresh organic, nutritious fruits and vegetables from a variety of local farms. Deliveries happen twice per week and there is no minimum order. Click here to begin your adventure into the world of the freshest local organically grown foods.
Custom Organic Veggie Box
Select from an array of local organic produce, as much or little or no order.
Support Local Farms
Local farmers are selected that use organic practices, take care of the environment and honor their workers. Some are not certified organic which is a major expense for a small farm. Small farms are what we want to promote, farms that feed their neighbors vs feeding the world.