Ventura County Fair, Ag Building, Tasting, Talk, Demo
date theme time title people Where
8/3/2022 opening 3:30 - 4 Max plant health, working with the Soil Food Web David White Stage
8/3/2022 opening 4 - 4:30 Build a food forest in your yard Ron Whitehurst Stage
8/4/2022 Feed the Need 3:30 - 4 Why eat organic? Jan Dietrick, MPH Stage
8/5/2022 Youth Day 1 - 2 Pint of Irish Music Michelle Nosco, Mike McChesney Stage
8/5/2022 Youth Day 4:30 - 5 Fermentation 101 Michelle Lopez Stage
8/6/2022 Parade Day 2 - 2:30 Solar cooking - a hot idea Pat Browne Stage
8/6/2022 Parade Day 2:30 - 3 Foraging for your food Michelle Nosco, Ron Whitehurst Stage
8/6/2022 Parade Day 4 - 5 Foraging craft activity Michelle Nosco Booth
8/7/2022 Fire Safety, Ed day 2 - 3 Smoothies and non-dairy treats Christine Burke Stage
8/8/2022 Beneficial insects 2 - 3 Bees, butterflies, and the flowers that feed them Cindy Kimmick Stage
8/8/2022 Beneficial insects 4 - 5 Natural pest control: good bugs vs bad bugs Ron Whitehurst Stage
8/9/2022 Citrus, Senior Day 2 - 3:30 Permaculture Home Ron, Eric Werbalowski Stage
8/9/2022 Citrus, Senior Day 1 - 1:30 Crop Swap Marcie Youtz Stage
8/10/2022 Wednesday 4 - 5 Exercise your Brain Nan Chaet Booth
8/11/2022 Military Day 3:30 - 4 Make Almond milk, demonstration Nan Chaet Stage
8/12/2022 Avocado, Auction Day 1 - 3:30 Pint of Irish Music Michelle Nosco, Mike McChesney Booth
8/12/2022 Avocado, Auction Day 4 - 4:30 Loving, living in harmony with your food, Biodynamics basics Christine Burke Stage
8/13/2022 Cattlemen's Day 4 - 4:30 Setting up a food hub - Farmivore Inlakesh Amor Stage
8/13/2022 Cattlemen's Day 4:30 - 5 Slow Food, home cooking and health Slow Food Speaker TBD Stage
8/14/2022 Berry Day 3 - 3:30 Seed collecting and saving Ron Whitehurst Stage
8/14/2022 Berry Day 4 Setting up a food hub - Farmivore Inlakesh Amor Booth
8/15/2022 Remove exhibit
Talk Descriptions
title people Description
Max plant health, working with the Soil Food Web David White Microbes in the soil mobilize nutrients, and support the plant immune system, leading to plant health.
Build a food forest in your yard Ron Whitehurst Select the fruit and nuts you like to eat then grow them in your yard
Why eat organic? Jan Dietrick, MPH, Dietrick Institute Top ten reasons to go organic and there are many more!
Pint of Irish Music Michelle Nosco, Mike McChesney Celtic Music to lift your soul and make your feet happy.
Fermentation 101 Michelle Lopez Learn to make simple ferments like saurkraut and their benfits for your health
Solar cooking - a hot idea Pat Browne A healthy option for cooking that cuts the cord from power plants'
Foraging for your food Michelle Nosco, Ron Whitehurst Learn the top ten weeds that will keep you alive when you are hungry
Foraging craft activity Michelle Nosco Learn the top ten weeds that will keep you alive when you are hungry
Smoothies and non-dairy treats Christine Burke Create delicous and revitalizing drinks and treats from plants in your yard
Bees, butterflies, and the flowers that feed them Cindy Kimmick Integrate native plants into your garden to increase pollinators, and save water
Natural pest control: good bugs vs bad bugs Ron Whitehurst Work with nature to grow healthy plants without toxic pesticides
Permaculture Home Ron, Eric, integrating energy production, waste recycling, small animals, and gardening into your home
Crop Swap Marcie Youtz the 805 Crop Swap. How it came about and how it helps the community of Ventura. How gardening helps with anxieties and depression. Growing food and garden therapy.
Exercise your Brain Nan Chaet Try some simple exercises to keep your brain in top condition
Make Almond milk, demonstration Nan Chaet Make nut milk to your taste, less expensive and without wasteful packaging.
Pint of Irish Music Michelle Nosco, Mike McChesney Celtic Music to lift your soul and make your feet happy.
Loving, living in harmony with your food, Biodynamics basics Christine Burke Learn about a nature based system of agriculture that honors spirit.
Setting up a food hub - Farmivore Inlakesh Amor Connecting small organic farms to feed families high quality produce.
Slow Food, home cooking and health Slow Food Speaker TBD Invite friends over and prepare a meal together, cheaper, more fun than going to a restaurant.
Seed collecting and saving Ron Whitehurst Collect seeds from your garden and share them with neighbors.
Setting up a food hub - Farmivore Inlakesh Amor Connecting small organic farms to feed families high quality produce.